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My Beauty Resolutions for 2024

Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a great start. I find myself in an optimistic mind set, ready to conquer doubts and fulfill goals. It feels so good to writing again and I'm looking forward to connecting with all of you who stop by this little blog of mine.

I always like for my first post of the year to discuss my beauty resolutions. While some might not see the purpose of having resolutions going into the following year; I find it helpful. It helps me state my goals (no matter how big or small) and serves to be my vision board.

My first beauty resolution is to develop my everyday makeup look. I try A LOT of makeup, but I don't have my go-to, every day, no fail makeup look. This year I really want to find staple products that will help me achieve this goal.

My next resolution is I'm becoming a straight natural. I realized I wanted a signature hair style. For me, that hairstyle is a chin length, Kelly Roland like bob. In order to achieve the look I want, I'm going to start wearing my natural hair straight.

Another resolution of mine is bringing more fashion content to this blog. I'm working on my personal style and what looks best on my shape/frame. I look forward to sharing you with you my fashion finds.

Lastly, I would like to grow this blog into a space to share, grow, and connect. I look forward to sharing and learning with all who might stop by this space.

Happy 2024, I hope you have a happy and healthy New Year!




© 2015 Will Work For Product

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